We love working in partnership with schools and work hard to deliver impactful work to both students and staff.
We collaborate to ensure coaching and training can focus on personal and professional goals that align to the whole school areas of focus. This helps with moral purpose, clarity and achieves high-quality outcomes.
Whole school leadership requires stakeholders to show efficacy across all key areas identified. We do this by:
B U I L D I N G . . .
Building a shared efficacy amongst the school leadership team, supported by educational research and a focussed coaching philosophy, underpinned by positivity and personal ownership of goals.
S H A R I N G . . .
Sharing the whole school improvement journey and aligning to personal and professional moral purposes begins to create the level of efficacy necessary. Using highly effective coaching tools to refine and focus these conversations is an enlightening experience.
A P P R O A C H . . .
A top down and bottom up are terms regularly used in schools. There’s room for a level playing field and increasing staff positivity and engagement with any change that may occur. Guiding stakeholders through this journey can be challenging, even scary. Building efficacy amongst the stakeholders to drive any change is key to its success.
These aspects together will be focussed on personal, professional and leadership responsibilities to enhance their own and others day to day relationships and responsibilities.
To find out more about how we can work together, enquire now.
WHO we can work with:
Whole School
Our whole school approach allows schools to develop a whole school agenda with robust and research-based practice. We ensure all stakeholders are onboard with change and start to shape and design the school journey with full stakeholder engagement.
Our one-to-one approach with head teachers enables the school leader to have a critical partner in their own improvement journey. Reflecting on a range of psychological factors on how the mind functions, researched-based practice on leadership effectiveness and a whole school improvement agenda the sessions will encompass ‘improvement’ in its broadest terms. The alignment of each of these areas will fully support building strength in personal and professional change management and positively impacting ‘self’ and the organisation.
We work with senior leaders across three key areas.
1. Working with the ‘team’ as a group to enhance their knowledge and understanding of what coaching is and is not, to ensure the greatest outcome.
2. Covering elements of psychology of the mind and how we think and react, this underpins the coaching conversations.
3. Setting robust goals that have absolute clarity for those setting them.
These aspects together will be focussed on personal, professional and leadership responsibilities to enhance their own and others day to day relationships and responsibilities.
Embedding a coaching philosophy within the school culture requires all staff to understand the ‘processes’ involved, increasing teacher efficacy will positively impact the outcome. School staff will be taken through a process of understanding coaching, how the mind works in respects to behaviours and emotions, leading to setting personal and professional goals. This will align to enhance intrinsic motivation around these goals that impact their wellbeing and ways of working.
The focus of this work will be on how self-improvement and clarity of goals will positively impact them personally and across their school responsibilities.
Students KS2 – KS5
Students understanding their own learning and HOW they learn is a key factor in their progress. Our approach supports students becoming self-reflective and evaluate their day-to-day learning and behaviours. We have dedicated programmes in these areas for each key stage.
Working In Partnership With
To find out more about how we can work together, enquire now.
An initial fact finding and rapport building conversation begins this journey. From here we work to identify the most relevant and impactful goals for an individual. By identifying ‘gaps’ in their personal and professional life we support the individual to set robust-, short-, medium- and long-term goals.
An opportunity to bring sets of stakeholders together to focus in on key school, department or pedagogical outcomes and make them focussed goals. Creating group efficacy on these goals is a critical starting point and the support uses a range of Mindspan tools to ensure this.
Ensuring all stakeholders are aware of what coaching is and is not, is the starting point with group development. Once there is clarity about purpose and impact through a coaching model the group can begin to develop personal and professional knowledge about how coaching will improve their outcomes.
Building on from the group development we work to support the groups understanding of themselves and how their thoughts and behaviours can drastically impact on outcomes and others. Looking at the Mindspan Triad model and the school ‘Unleashing Greatness’ research carried out through Bolton University, this training pulls together goals that impact widely on people and organisations.
This training can be delivered in a wide range of ways and incorporate all the above as INSET days, half days, or full days.
To find out more about how we can work together, enquire now.